Singing Guide: Love Life

Singing Guide: Love Life

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Vocal Technique

One of the unique features of Kendrick's singing voice is her breathy, soft tone. While other actresses in movies like Mamma Mia and Into the Woods emphasized clarity and power in their singing ability, Kendrick's voice is delicate and ethereal. However, she still manages to hit high notes with ease, no matter how challenging the song. One of the ways Kendrick achieves this is through the used of the mixed vocal register, which blends the chest voice with the head voice to produce a unique sound.

Songs that Showcase Anna Kendrick's Vocal Style

  • "Cups" from the Pitch Perfect soundtrack
  • "When I'm Gone" from the Pitch Perfect soundtrack
  • "Still Hurting" from the Last Five Years soundtrack
  • "Ladies Who Lunch" from Company's Broadway album
  • "For Good" from the Wicked soundtrack

Practical Advice

To learn to sing like Anna Kendrick, you need to focus on developing your mixed vocal register. Take singing lessons to identify your range and practice exercises that blend your chest and head voice. Use Singing Carrots' vocal range test to identify the notes you can hit and the songs within your vocal range. The pitch accuracy test can help identifying pitch problems and correcting them. The Vocal Pitch Monitor can help getting a better visual of the notes and keeping the tone right. Learn how to breathe correctly with Singing Carrots' breathing basics article and the Farinelli Breathing video. Finally, practice performing on stage, controlling your emotion and use good posture to impress everyone. You'll be ready to perform in no time!

Singing Carrots Resources

By following these practical tips and using Singing Carrots resources, you can start singing like Anna Kendrick in no time!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.